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For an optimal choice of product, we recommend the desktop version of our site.


The user can first use the drop-down menu at the top of the HOME page:

  • If the interest is in a specific product category (e.g. shirt, trousers, etc.), the user can hover the mouse over PRODUCTS, to then be able to click either on the categories present, or on the characteristic that the desired product must have.


  • If, however, the interest is in a specific work environment (e.g. corporate, workwear, etc.), the user can hover the mouse over COLLECTIONS and from there be able to choose, again thanks to the drop-down menu, which category of item they prefer.


  • If you want to have a general idea of ​​our product park, just click on PRODUCTS.

Whatever your choice, results will appear with a series of filters on the left, which can further refine the search for what you want.

First of all we would like to inform you that at the moment not all the items present can be purchased online, to separate the search between the product for sale online and the product

on sale only upon email contact, SALE ENABLED must be ticked.

Over time, more and more items will be available for sale online.

Regarding the filters, we recommend using them in order of height, from highest to lowest, in such a way as to be able to have a similar result:

sought after product with CATEGORY filter, precise working environment with COLLECTIONS filter, precise climate via SEASON filter,

man or woman through GENDER filter, precise brand with BRAND filter, precise product details with FEATURE filter,

last but not least, precise SIZE range you need.

Beyond this guide to their use, the filters can be used as you wish.